Documentation and Information


There is a wealth of research that substantiates the relevance of a women’s only education. Please email any articles on the benefits of a female college education to

WC PDE Application Redlined revisions to Charter

March 1, 2011: Dr. Mistick Appointed president of Wilson College

Nov. 29, 2012: Dr. Mistick Op-Ed in Harrisburg Patriot News (Comment section is noteworthy)

Washington Post: Why our brightest female graduates are still at a disadvantage

Huffington Post: Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton’s Legacy: Advancing Gender Equity and Social Justice Issues Worldwide by Mills College President Alecia DeCoudreaux

Hannah Smith: Women’s Underrepresentation in Politics Makes Women’s Colleges Relevant

Women’s College Coalition: Women’s College Alumnae Notable Firsts

NYU President tested by faculty no-confidence

Chronicle of Higher Education: For Women on Campuses, Access Doesn’t Equal Success

Girls Lead in Science in Science Exam, but Not in the U.S.

Forbes magazine: What’s In A Women’s College?

St. Mary of the Woods College

Women’s Colleges: Solutions for the Real World

Don’t like the Gender Gap? Women’s Colleges May Be The Answer

Simmons College

A Case for Women’s Colleges

What Wilson College could be doing to Engage with more Prospective Students

Public Leadership Education Network

Guide to Best Women’s Colleges

Women Helping Girls

Changes in Wilson College Varsity Sports

New York Times Commentary: Women In Science and the Value of Same-Sex Schools From President of Mt. Holyoke College

Chronicle of Higher Education: There Remains A Place for Women’s Colleges James F. Conneely

Public Opinion: Wilson College plans for upgrade, renovation of Library

College Affordability and Transparency Center: College Scorecard

Obituary: Jean Colgan Zehner

Advantages of a Womens College

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